Mitsubishi EA12V Advance EDM


- New High-Speed "V" Power Supply (FP80V STD or FP120V Optional)
- Compact Highly-Rigid Machine Design  
- Fixed Table Traveling Column Construction  
- Thermal Displacement Compensation Control 
- Direct Drive AC Smart Servo System 
- 3 Dimensional Lateral Servo System  
- All-Axes Linear Glass Scale Feedback 
- M700 Series Control w 15" Touch Screen 
- Windows XP Operating System
- USB and Ethernet Data Inputs Standard  
- 40GB HD with a 1GB partition for user program storage  
- 3-Sided Drop Tank Work Tank Access  
- Easy Access Dual-Filter System 
- Dielectric Fluid Chiller Standard
- New High-Inertia Style C-Axis 
- Multi-Port Flushing Manaifold
- Auto Lubrication System
- E.S.P.E.R. Advance  Program Support Functions 
- Fuzzy Pro Plus Hands Off Operation


Machine Travels X x Y x Z 400 x 300 x 300mm
Maximum Workpiece Size W x D x H 800 x 550 x 250mm
Max Dielectric Fluid Level 300mm
Power Supply (Option) / Peak Current FP80V (80 Peak) FP120V (120Peak)
Internal Worktank Dimensions W x D x H 850 x 600 x 350mm
Worktank / Door Type 3-Sided Drop Ttank
Max. Workpiece Weight 700kg
Table Dimensions W x D 600 x 450mm
Max. Electrode Weight 50kg
Table to C-Axis Chuck Distance Min ~ Max 135 ~ 435mm 3R-MACRO Chuck
Minimum Command Unit / Resolution 0.0001 / 0.00005mm
Rapid Travel Speed 2000mm/min
High-Speed Jump Maximum 10m/min
Machine System Dimensions W x D 1750 x 2050mm
Machine System Weight 3725kg


Product Description

Up to 80% less graphite electrode wear
Solid, compact and with sufficient performance reserves when it matters – yet 20% more economical. The EA-S Series comes with the further-developed FP805 all-round generator, graphite technology and the new IDPM Power Master. High performance ex works.

The equipment giant among die-sinking erosion systems
A genuine all-rounder - with everything inclusive! An unbeatable price/performance ratio inclusiveof electrode changer, automatic fireextinguishing system and C-axis. This means you’re equipped for all eventualities and enjoy maximum versatility plus impressive flexibility.

Precise axis motions - whatever the loading
Thoroughly solid mechanical engineering, just the way it should be. Ingenious, tidy and absolutely durable. These principles have decades of success behind them and are cast in metal in each new machine. Inclusive of the use of high-grade axis components.

Ergonomic work space
Good accessibility due to the elevating work tank for convenient and swift set-up. The precision-ground work table at an ergonomic height is equipped with standard T grooves. Less elaborate designs may be cheaper at first, but...

Compact and maintenance-friendly
The machine’s compact and ingenious layout saves you space and time. Everything under control without long distances. Convenience that you will appreciate long-term.

Configured for performance
Only if you produce the all-important electronic components yourself, can you tailor them precisely to requirements. Mitsubishi Electric produces its own semiconductors and adapts them perfectly to actual needs. Obviously a clear advantage for you, the user.

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